I'm Weihao Sun.-image

I'm Weihao Sun.

I'm an undergraduate student at University of British Columbia. I am currently in my final year of study, and I will be graduating in May 2024. My major of study is Statistics, and I am also pursuing a Minor degree in Data Science. I will be in China from June to August in 2024. I am open to Data Analytics or Machine Learning developer works.

In my free time, you can catch me skiing or snowboarding on Cypress or Grouse Mountain, hiking, or cycling in beautiful Great Vancouver.


About me

I am an undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia. My major of study is Statistics, and I am also pursuing a Minor degree in Data Science. My interest area includes Machine Learning and Data Engineering. My previous internship as a Data Engineer in TripleEagle Logistics Vancouver involved developing internally used billing calculating systems and maintaining and updating the company’s database. I also had a research experience involving developing a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) to solve partial differential equations in battery modelling. My side projects are mostly about developing, tunning, and evaluating machine learning models and performing analysis on large datasets.


    Cornell University

    MEng. in System EngineeringAugust 2024 - May 2025

    University of British Columbia

    Bachelor in ScienceSeptember 2019 - May 2024

    Major in Statistics, Minor in Data Science.
    Core courses: Introduction to Probability (A+), Statistical Inference for Data Science (A), Machine Learning and Data Mining (A), Methods for Statistical Learning (A), Statistical Modelling for Data Science (A)

    Qingdao No.2 Middle School

    Secondary schoolSeptember 2015 - June 2018


    Data Engineer Intern

    Triple Eagle Logistics VancouverMay 2022 - August 2022

    - Developed, tested, and maintained an internally used automatic bill calculation system.
    - Updated and maintained the company database; Analyzed the database structure; designed and modified the structure to cater to different use cases.
    - Designed the Microsoft Power Automate pipeline to Use Excel Online to write Office Script to automatically fill in charging rates, amounts, and dates into the daily form.
    - Matched and extracted essential information such as tracking numbers and prices from large, noisy data provided by clients for usage by other departments, which improved the working efficiency by over 60%.

    REX Undergraduate Researcher

    UBC | Supervisor: Maricela Best McKayNovember 2021 - April 2022

    - Physics Informed Neural Network for Battery Modeling Project.
    - Solved partial differential equations to improve the current battery models with Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN)
    - Conducted literature survey on PINN, SPM, and Lithium batteries; Collected, cleansed data, prepared data for data visualization, and applied exploratory analysis.
    - Developed the Physics Informal Neural Network from scratch, fitted the model to existing data, and analyzed the PINN model.

    Part-time University Tutor

    Look4Tutor Inc.November 2023 - Present

    Tutoring Statistics, Math, Computer Science, and Data Science courses at UBC and SFU.


    Emergency Department Forecast

    Team ProjectAugust 2023 - December 2023

    - Collaborated with Borealis AI, a research institute of RBC.
    - Applied and evaluated advanced machine learning models, including Regularized Regression, Neural Networks, Time Series models, etc., to predict local emergency department demands.
    - Performed in-depth feature creation by appending climate, holiday, and demography data to enhance analysis.
    - Kept identifying opportunities for adaption and refinement, and seeking collaboration with local hospitals or public health agencies.

    Classification on Smog Ratings of Cars in the Year 2022

    Team ProjectJanuary 2023 - April 2023

    - Performed early-stage raw data collection via public channels, including National Statistics Bureau, FRED, etc.
    - Applied Naive Bayesian analysis, KNN, and SVM strategies for model construction and autonomous testing.
    - Applied classical statistical methods, including confidence and prediction intervals and their calibration to evaluate models.
    - Adopted transformers including SVD and PCA for model improvements.

    Building Packages and Data Analysis Pipelines for Zoo Analysis

    Team ProjectJanuary 2022 - April 2022

    - Implemented and evaluated various machine learning models (k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, support vector machine, and logistic regression) to classify animal specifies based on physical features.
    - Developed a reproducible pipeline for the classification problem, and integrated the pipeline using Docker.
    - Developed, maintained, and published Python packages encapsulating commonly used functions in the pipeline to enhance reproducibility.

    Amusement Park Management System

    Team ProjectSeptember 2021 - December 2021

    - Developed an full stack application from scratch using Django framework and SQLite.
    - Implemented a database modelling functions on services, employment management, and amusement facilities.
    - Performed database structure analysis, and normalized the relations among tables to reduce redundancy.
    - Designed the user interface of the application with the Bootstrap template.

    Harry Potter Themed Text-based Role-playing Game

    Personal ProjectMay 2020 - August 2020

    - Developed in the progress of both console-based and GUI-based versions and maintained simple transitions.
    - A turn-based RPG where players engage in battles using a selection of spells, each with unique attack values, against progressively challenging enemies, enhancing the immersive Harry Potter-themed experience.
    - Implemented a dynamic archive management system allowing players to choose from various wizards, each with distinct HP and ATK stats, adding strategic depth to battles and ensuring a varied gaming experience across different sessions.
    - Included a well-designed interface, stories, characters and portraits.


    Spoken languages
    English (Full Professional Proficiency),
    Mandarin (Native),
    French (Beginner)
    Programming Languages
    Frameworks and Packages

    Check Out Some of My Work

    Throughout his time in my department, Mr. Sun has consistently demonstrated the highest level of dedication and competence to the work and the team.

    -- Sean, Manager of TripleEagle Logistics Vancouver

    Mr. Sun along with the team BinAry Flow Jedi put great efforts into their Let's Solve It project, and I am really impressed with the results they have achieved.

    -- Raquel, Machine Learning Researcher at Borealis AI, Project Supervisor

    ISTJ is a personality type with the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging traits. These people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.

    -- MBTI Personalities

    Get in touch.

    You are welcome to contact me through any of the following platforms.

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